

Recruitment Privacy Policy

This privacy policy for recruitment activities (hereafter referred to as "This Policy") establishes the handling methods for the personal information (specifically, the information gained from the recruiting pool website; hereafter referred to as the “Candidate Pool”) for each candidate (hereafter referred to as "Candidate" or “Candidates”) that the bitFlyer corporate group (defined below) acquires during the recruitment activities.

In This Policy, the "companies in the bitFlyer group" collectively refers to bitFlyer Holdings, Inc. and subsidiaries of bitFlyer Holdings, Inc. that adopt This Policy, and applies to both companies in Japan and foreign countries. The following is a list of companies in the bitFlyer group that currently adopt This Policy.

bitFlyer Holdings, Inc.
bitFlyer, Inc.
bitFlyer Blockchain, Inc.

If a Candidate applies for a company in the bitFlyer group, the Candidate agrees that the Candidate's information will be used and shared in accordance with the terms of This Policy. Please carefully read This Policy before applying.

Purpose for Using Personal Information

Companies in the bitFlyer group shall only use the Candidates’ basic information, selection information, and history information for the following purposes.
1. To evaluate the eligibility of Candidates for recruitment for positions at companies in the bitFlyer group
2. To provide Candidates with information on employment opportunities
3. To contact and respond to the Candidate's application
4. To confirm the information held about candidates who have previously applied to companies in the bitFlyer group
5. To manage the Candidate Pool
6. To diagnose technical problems

If employed by a company in the bitFlyer group, this information will be used as data in the employee ledger.

Offering Personal Information to Third Parties

Companies in the bitFlyer group may disclose personal information registered in the Candidate Pool to a third party in the following cases.

• For legal reasons
To comply with applicable laws, fulfill legal and regulatory obligations, or respond to inquiries or requests from regulatory authorities
• Other reasons
If permitted by applicable laws, in connection with corporate restructuring, sale or transfer of assets, merger, company split, or other transaction involving changes in the financial status of companies in the bitFlyer Group, a party to the transaction or a person who will be a party to the transaction.

Except where permitted by law, we will not disclose or provide the personal information of Candidates to any third party without the consent of the Candidate.

Consignment of Personal Information

Companies in the bitFlyer group may outsource personal information to other businesses within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use when recruiting. This includes cases where a company in the bitFlyer group outsources recruitment surveys conducted in accordance with applicable laws. In this case, we will select an outsourced company with a personal information protection system and appropriately supervise the outsourced company.

Secure Management of Personal Information

We will implement appropriate security management measures to prevent leaks, loss, or damage of handled personal information.

Voluntary Provision of Personal Information

Providing personal information to companies in the bitFlyer group is voluntary. Please be aware that if a Candidate does not provide some of the necessary documents regarding personal information, we may not be able to perform the corresponding recruitment selection process.

Disclosure of Personal Information

To the extent required by applicable laws, companies in the bitFlyer Group shall respond to requests for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, revision, addition, deletion, or refusal of use or provision of the personal information provided.
However, companies in the bitFlyer group shall retain the personal information of Candidates who have not been recruited in accordance with applicable laws and regulations after completing the recruitment and selection process.
Companies in the bitFlyer group shall retain statistical information about candidates for reference in recruitment activities.

Personal Information Inquiries

Midtown Tower, 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6230

Personal Information Inquiry Contact Form: